During our cuti-cuti time, we also went to Kedah, Cahaya's beautiful home country. Kedah lies in the north of Semenanjung Malaysia, distinctively known as the "Rice Bowl of Malaysia". We've stayed here for 3 nights.

A picture of us with Bae and D, together with their families. Bae is Cahaya's elder brother and D is the youngest.

The 3 handsome brothers - D, Non and Bae

and the lovely wives - Kak Na and Rozaini ...

Li'l Fatima and her sweet li'l cousin, Anis

One of our best moments in Kedah was when we had our little durian party at Kepala Batas night market .... Nyaman eh ....
Later in the evening, we'll be going to Sungai Petani, to visit Cahaya's brother, Abang Mi.