Allah Ta’ala berfirman dalam Surah Al-Mujadallah, ayat 11 yang kira-kira bermaksud:
“Allah akan mengangkat orang-orang yang beriman
yang mempunyai ilmu diantara kamu dengan beberapa darjat”

My youngest baby Fatima started her school today, at Sekolah Rendah Dato Marsal. She's in Pra-A. The same school as her kaka Maya and Abang Luqman. Maya and Luq also started their new class, Year 4 and Year 6.

I'm still on leave. So I together with Cahaya, spent most of the morning watching out for Fatima at her school. Alhamdulillah, we didn't have any problem. She was quite independent and enjoyed her first day and made friends with her classmates.