"Sesungguhnya engkau (Muhammad) berada di atas budi pekerti yang agung".
Nabi Muhammad SAW pernah bersabda yang berbunyi:
"Aku hanya diutus untuk menyempurnakan akhlak yang mulia".

Whoa...this month, I'm going to be really busy. Mum ordered me to supply cakes and kueh-kueh as desserts for her buffet restaurant. Tukang buat kuehnya balik Indon, so nggak ada sapa-sapa lagi yang bisa nolongin... That's alright for me, will do it, at least I can upgrade my baking skills. Hehehe.... if lucky, dapatlah my mum's customers eat my kueh tepung talam.... slurpzz... yummy!
Tepung Talam is a very popular local kueh in Kedah. You can only find it there, although I know that a few people make and sell them in KL. I never miss buying it everytime I balik to my hubby's kampung. The shop is in Jitra, and it only opens around 3 in the afternoon, and by that time, the kueh is quickly gone! Ooooi best giler when you eat this 2-layered steamed kueh, brown layer topped with milky white pudding...
Those who wish to order my Tepung Talam, I'm selling it at B$10.00 per medium-sized tray. Murah tau.....