Friday, November 1, 2013

Our Kokomi is Back!

Cahaya and I were the happiest parents in the world today. Our Kaka arrived from Melbourne after completing her study there, at Deakin University. 

Syukur Alhamdulillah, terima kasih Ya Allah, kerana Engkau telah mendengar doa-doa kami, seorang anak kami telah berjaya menamatkan pengajiannya dan pulang ke tanah air dengan selamatnya.

(She was carrying her bantal bucuk with her in the plane...)

I remember when she left us for Melbourne in last February. It was an "empty nest" phenomenon for me. That wasn't the first time though. It wasn't a rollercoaster form of emotion, but enough to make me worried for almost everything! Her well-being in a place which was not so familiar to any of us. Allah Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Pelindung.

It was brilliant that in March, my boss took me to Melbourne on official visit, about 2 weeks after Kaka left us. Meloncatku kegembiraan. Itulah yang dikatakan rezeki. Anugerah rezeki dari Allah adalah dalam pelbagai rupa, seperti mana yang Allah kehendaki. Hebatnya Allah SWT. Aku bersujud syukur kepadaMu.

Before departure
With Boss, upon arrival at Melbourne airport 

Moments of happiness -

Posing with Kaka at her uni - Deakin University

Celebrating Ummi's birthday at Churio's
With Kaka Izzah


Melbourne is indeed a beautiful city to visit. I love it. 

Yummy Fish & Chips
Halal Steak

Well back to Kaka now. Alhamdulillah, it's already done. Congratulations on your success, Kaka. You are ready for your new direction, girl. Mummy and Ayah wish you all the best.

"Raihlah ilmu, dan untuk meraih ilmu,
belajarlah untuk tenang dan sabar"
- Sayyidina 'Umar Al-Khattab

~  Sinar