Friday, December 12, 2008

Rezeki Allah, Syukur Alhamdulillah

Firman Allah Ta’ala yang bererti -
Sesungguhnya segala sesuatu
telah Kami ciptakan sesuai dengan qadar
[Al-Qomar : 49]
I really am looking forward to the weekend. As usual, Friday is a working day for me. So far the children’s school holidays are filled up with their own activities. They enjoy their swimming on alternate days. Both Maya and Fatima are getting better with their swimming styles. They make new friends and have lots of fun. Cahaya and I haven’t decided where to bring the kids, KL or KK. We were told by friends that KK is now full of Bruneians. Wherever you go, you are bound to bump into your fellow countrymen! Flights to KL are now expensive, oh no! Well, there’s no rushing for us. We’ll just wait and see, soon we’ll decide where to go. Of all you know, hehe who knows .... rezeki Allah!