Tuesday, December 10, 2013

My Love Affair With Clouds

Bismillah, dan assalamu'alaikum.

What do you see in clouds? You can look and dream what you can see there. They resemble many things, it depends. Some are obvious, some need little imaginations. I want to share with you what I have seen in the clouds recently. I have never seen anything beautiful than these before.

On one fine day in September, while riding in Jerudong with my cousin
Picture take from my car 

Subhanallah. Allah Maha Besar, memperlihatkan kekuasaanNya. And look at this one -

On my way back home from work, I saw this 'little lamb' in the sky, and that was just 3 days after 'Aidiladha. The amazing fact about clouds is that they are ever-changing, pretty quick, almost every second. Once you saw a cloud formation at any given moment, that's it, it is unique to that moment only, and once it changes, you will not get it back.

Alhamdulillah, Allah has given me the path to look at some of His fascinating blessings in this world. Allah created us with eyes, ears, hands and feet and intelligence so we can accomplish great things in life. So just one simple question we can ask ourselves, have we thanked Allah enough and appreciate his creations?

Since then, I started inculcating myself to always appreciate and watch clouds. Because I know I can see wonders in there. I have not seen any formation that is specific, after the 2 encounters, but to me every time I see clouds, I see happiness.

Bright shining mass of cotton balls, seen above the padi fields of Kedah
Early morning rise, while Cahaya and me were brisk walking

Heading home
Beautiful twin rainbows di kaki langit, bila senja hampir berlabuh
Awan berarak megah diatas bumbung rumah kami

Take time to appreciate the beauty in the clouds. 

~  Sinar