Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Beautiful Malacca

Our trip to Malacca was fun. We never get bored of this historical place. This time we went with our lovely friends, the Pak Awang and Khir families. Spent great time at the whole town and A'famosa Resort.



Tak realise, rupanya we didn't snap that much there!

~  Sinar

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Beautiful Istana

Our holiday journey continues. We spent the whole day in Seremban yesterday. With joy, our friend Khir and Sufina took us to the Istana Seri Menanti, Seremban's historical landmark.

A timber palace, constructed in the early 1900, which has been turned into a Royal Museum. I was told that the palace floors were amazingly built without using any nails.

These are the 'kaki skodengs' ... hehe

Our trip ended with makan-makan at one local restaurant.

Cahaya and the gang meeting an old friend

~  Sinar

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Alhamdulillah ... I'm Here

Alhamdulillah, I finally arrived! Terima kasih, Ya Rabbi.

Yipppppeeeeee! Cuti, cuti, cutiiiiiiii....!! Ya Allah, mulakanlah segalanya dengan baik, dan akhirilah juga semuanya dengan baik, aamiin.

~   Sinar