Friday, October 25, 2013

Dream Bigger

Are you a dreamer? I am. A huge dreamer. 

There is nothing wrong with dreaming, but you must be a doer. If dreaming is just what you do, with no doing, then you should worry. A dream makes a vision, the big picture. When you dream, you are building up ideas in your head and the doing will put those ideas into actions, to reach that 'big picture'.  

We always want a perfect-picture kind of future - luxury cars - one small and one big, a cosy and classy house in the perfect area with a flashy surrounding, and a really good looking partner. We have become so ingrained with figuring out how to be perfect, rich or stand higher that we have actually begun to forget our original purpose in life.  

We have forgotten that our life is already amazing as it is, already beautifully painted. We always call for things that we think would make us feel happier and fulfilled.

We must be contented with what we have, stop complaining and stop whining. For life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react and respond to it.

Aamin Ya Rabbal 'Alamiin.

~  Sinar